Welcome to the GB Gold Studios Downloads and Multimedia page! GB Gold Studios was set up by me and my wonderful co-webmaster,
Jim, as a way to produce fan audio-dramas of the series. This project is soon to take off, with the audio drama adaption of
the series classic: "Night of the Living Dummy". If it goes well, Jim and I hope to produce more in the future. When completely
finished, expect this page to have episode download links and MP3s of the various theme and credit sequences.
Upcoming Projects
Soon to come to our website, is the first fan-made audio drama, based off
the classic "Night of the Living Dummy". To be written and dubbed by me, this looks to break new grounds in the Goosebumps
fandom. Right now, the only set cast as of yet is me as Slappy, but if you've got a microphone for your computer, are
a decent actor, and are willing to participate, e-mail either Jim or myself!